Greetings and Welcome,
My name is Valerie Jacobs Roussell, and I am a proud graduate of Southern University A&M College. I am honored to lead the Dallas Metroplex Council of Black Alumni Associations (DMCBAA) for the 2020 – 2022 tenure. DMCBAA is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit community-based organization founded in 1987 that consists of Historically Black Colleges and Universities Alumni chapters in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metropolitan areas. It was the first organization of its kind ever established in the nation. Since that time, other HBCU Alliance organizations have been formed in Atlanta, GA; Washington, DC; Chicago, IL; Houston, TX; and Miami, FL.
The primary mission of DMCBAA is to serve as an advocate for HBCU Alumni Associations by promoting unity and supporting the mission of HBCUs through scholarship fundraising, alumni reclamation, and student recruitment. Additionally, function as a liaison of all 107 HBCUs and share the valuable educational opportunities that HBCUs offer. I have been a very strong advocate and supporter of HBCUs and this organization for over 30+ years. My goals as president are the following:
Increase visibility and membership of alumni chapters and individuals for DMCBAA.
Increase charitable sponsorships and funding to increase scholarships, mentorship, and student programs.
Implement programs geared to strengthen the growth of alumni chapters, individuals, students, and parents.
Form partnerships, leverage relationships, and collaborate with Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex organizations aimed at supporting at-risk individuals and their communities.
Establish a connection between the nation’s HBCU presidents and various independent school district administrators in the Metroplex to recruit, educate, and employ HBCU graduates.
Position DMCBAA as a viable organization for years to come
We hope you will make plans to support our beloved HBCU community here in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex by joining us as we demonstrate and celebrate the HBCU legacy of lifting up and giving back.
Valerie J. Roussell, President
Dallas Metroplex Council of Black Alumni Associations (DMCBAA)